Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Using blogs for professional development

Blogs can be very useful for teachers. Teachers read other teachers blogs for their own professional development. They read other blogs specifically those written by teachers to find helpful hints. They find ideas for lessons or for how others handle similar situations. They find good ideas on teaching and get others perspectives. I have used the internet many times to get ideas for a lesson and blogs are the same way. Teachers also get feed back from others through comments. People respond to what you say. If a teacher posted a lesson that they used in class that worked really well and they want others to be able to use it then they post it on their blog. Other teachers can then read it and use the idea and then comment on the post and tell how it went and if they changed it or what not. Blogging is a great way to communicate with other teachers on a professional level. Teachers can grow in their knowledege. Teachers can also learn more about things such as technology. Some teachers post how to use technology in the classroom and it can be very helpful. New teachers love all the help they can get. Teachers want to make their classroom the best it can be so that their students can learn and it helps teachers to get new or fresh ideas. Blogs are great for professional development especially, teachers. Great teachers collaberate with others to see what they have been doing that works. I have been reading a blog called Ed Tech Journeys at http://preilly.wordpress.com/. This blog has been helpful to read. It has helpful tips on things such as how to handle stress in the education field and how to handle meetings. I find it useful and interesting to read. He uses his own situations as examples which alsways helps to understand and it makes it more personal.

1 comment:

Jo Schiffbauer said...

"Great teachers collaborate with others to see what they have been doing that works."

Your statement is very true... and blogs facilitate conversations of great teachers.

When you mention another blog, you should link to it. Let me know if you need help doing that! (Ed Tech Journeys at http://preilly.wordpress.com/)