Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Technology helping the learning process

Technology can really help teachers and students in the classroom. There are a lot of different tools that a person can use in education to help students learn. Technology is all around us and we use it without even thinking about it. People use cell phones everyday without even realizing that they are using technology. Cell phones are useful not only in a person's personal life, but can also be helpful in the class. Teachers can use their cell phones to post a gabcast. This can be helpful to parents or students who are visually impaired or are simply better auditory learners. Cell phones can also be useful to call parents if needed. Sometimes schools only have one phone that teachers can use to call parents. Teachers should be very cautious about giving their cell phone number out, but can use it if needed to call parents. Technology can be used in many different ways in the classroom. Teachers can blog, create a movie, use cameras, spreadsheets, curriculum pages, the internet, and websites. A simply task such as, being able to use the computer is using technology to help student learning. Teachers can have students type their papers on the computer. Teachers can also use their computers to create power points to help teach a lesson or even use the smart board to teach. Teachers can use computers to do grades. It makes it easier on the teacher and allows students to be able to see their progress and where they are at instintly. Teachers can allow their students to use the internet to find information or do research projects. Teachers can use different websites to make a scavenger hunt and to have students find certain information and teach a particular lesson. Teachers can also create their own webpage. This can be very useful to students and parents. Teachers can post upcoming events and assignments. Teachers can use the webpage to inform parents and tell them what the students will be learning that week. Teachers must remember to update their webpage. This can also help students know what they missed if they were not in class. Teachers can also put links to other good websites for students and parents. Students could have links to websites that are good educational games and activities. Webpages can be a great communication tool if kept up to date. Teachers can put information on thewebpage such as email address and school number where the teacher can be reached. Technology can help the learning process for students and teachers. It gives students a variety and many different choices to teach a lesson. Teachers should not simply stand in front of the class and teach a lesson. Technology is growing and teachers need to stay up to date with technology and use it in the class. Students learn a lot and benenfit from technology. Scavenger hunts are a good example. Instead of simply having a student to a worksheet, a teacher can allow the students to find the information on the internet using a fun scavenger hunt game. It makes it more interactive for students and they are more likely to learn and remember the informaion. Technology helps keep students involoved and interested. Technology helps teach and assess students and show them thier progress. Teachers have many tools to use so they should try to use as many as they can. Students learn in a variety of ways so why not do what is best for the students. Usinf technology will help them in the future because they will be familiar with it when they get older and have to use it.

1 comment:

Jo Schiffbauer said...

You've listed lots of good ideas for using technology to help your students learn. I would be cautious, however, about using your cell phone to call parents if you're teaching in a PreK-12 environment.